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1.6October 15, 2023

Regular Install:

pip install dvr-scan[opencv]==1.6

Headless (Servers):

pip install dvr-scan[opencv-headless]==1.6

DVR-Scan is available on PyPI can be installed using pip install dvr-scan[opencv]. DVR-Scan works on Windows, Linux, and OSX, and requires Python 3.7 or higher.

If want to use an existing OpenCV installation or require a non-PyPI version, you can omit the extras from pip install. You can also build and install DVR-Scan from source.

Windows Distribution

The installer is recommended for most users. Windows builds include all required dependencies to run DVR-Scan. Only 64-bit builds are available.

CUDA®-Enabled Builds (Experimental)

Nvidia CUDA® builds are available, but still early in development. This version may not be the latest, and should be considered experimental. Not all GPU versions may be supported.

1.5.1 (Not Latest)

Make sure to set -b MOG2_CUDA when running DVR-Scan (e.g. dvr-scan -i video.mp4 -b MOG2_CUDA). CUDA builds are done infrequently and may not be up to date. The Python version of DVR-Scan is compatible with any CUDA® enabled version of the opencv-python module. You can get better performance or use DVR-Scan on a wider variety of GPUs if you build the module on your system. with the latest SDK version.

Source Code

The source code for DVR-Scan is available on Github. The following commands will download the required packages and build DVR-Scan from source:

python -m pip install --upgrade pip build wheel virtualenv setuptools==62.3.4
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m build

Once python -m build succeeds, there will be a Python distribution in the dist/ folder which can be installed using pip:

python -m pip install dist/dvr-scan-1.5.1.tar.gz

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