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1.6October 15, 2023

Regular Install:

pip install dvr-scan[opencv]==1.6

Headless (Servers):

pip install dvr-scan[opencv-headless]==1.6

DVR-Scan is available on PyPI can be installed using pip install dvr-scan[opencv]. DVR-Scan works on Windows, Linux, and OSX, and requires Python 3.8 or higher.

If want to use an existing OpenCV installation or require a non-PyPI version, you can omit the extras from pip install. You can also build and install DVR-Scan from source.

Windows Distribution

The installer is recommended for most users. Windows builds include all required dependencies to run DVR-Scan. Only 64-bit builds are available.

CUDA®-Enabled Builds (Experimental)

Nvidia CUDA® builds experimental and outdated due to difficulty producing binary distributions covering all systems and GPU architectures. If you require CUDA support, the Python version of DVR-Scan is compatible with any CUDA® enabled version of the opencv-python module. You can get better performance or use DVR-Scan on a wider variety of GPUs if you build the module on your system, with the latest SDK version.

1.5.1 (Not Latest)

Make sure to set -b MOG2_CUDA when running DVR-Scan (e.g. dvr-scan -i video.mp4 -b MOG2_CUDA).

Source Code

The source code for DVR-Scan is available on Github. The following commands will download the required packages and build DVR-Scan from source:

python -m pip install --upgrade pip build wheel virtualenv setuptools==62.3.4
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m build

Once python -m build succeeds, there will be a Python distribution in the dist/ folder which can be installed using pip:

python -m pip install dist/dvr-scan-1.5.1.tar.gz

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